Monday, July 26, 2010

im a graduate :)

yes, it happened!!

i passed all my exams and did very well!!

therefore i am very pleased to announce that i am now officially a social worker!!! and a uni graduate!

i was so surprised i passed coz i found my finals so difficult! but now that it is over i am so proud of myself.. im so proud that i have finally made it! i have my graduation ceremony on the 30th november! i already cant wait!!

i went for an interview for 3 big agencies in MAlta, i hope i get in! i really really hope i get the job - i cant imagine myself doing something else with my life except being a social worker! im just hoping and praying!

much love!

Monday, June 14, 2010



4yrs of







have come to an end

4yrs of uni are over.

it feels WEIRD!

i never have to study again (unless i want to).
These 4yrs have FLEW, i swear to god, i spent 5 yrs in secondary and i could swear not one minute every passed.

but these 4yrs as charles dickens correctly puts it...
They have been the best of times and the worst of times.
It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

these 4 yrs have been so paradoxal. It was FUN but it was STRESSFUL, i met the best people i have ever met and i have found outmy true calling. i now realise what 'i want to be when i grow up'. I know that i have to be a social worker, before it was just soemthing i could do, but now it is something that i MUST do.

I have applied to some jobs... i hope i get one! i really hope i do! We'll see! Until then i just pray i passed my finals, dissertation and get a good classification :) success is all i ever wanted in life, i just really want to see my life fall into place - im excited about this new chapter - i am looking forward to where the wind is going to blow me.

until then,
much love!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


im updating my blog!
which can only mean ONE thing!

I can not believe it is May (mid may, at that). My university days are drawing quickly to a close, it seems so surreal, it seems like yesterday i started first year and now i'm ready to leave.

All my life all i've done is go to school and study, and now i hope to start workign and making what i wnat most in life come true!

I can't wait for this chapter to draw to a close, i'm so excited to see what this summer is going to hold in store for me. It is truly the end of an era.

But until i get to summer, i have my finals :(, it is the last hurdle of this year. I gave in my dissertation, i have successfully (dont knw the mark yet, but definitley passed) completed my final placement and all that is left is this final! and it's ALL over.

please pray that i get the job i am applying to! after this last placement, it has been confirmed that the only job i can ever have is of a social worker. so i HAVE to get this job.

lots of love.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


i feel empty.

I dont know y, but i just do. I feel like nothing is in my hands and everything is spinning out of control.

I'm not depressed. I'm just empty. Can anyone else understand what i mean, it's hard to put into words. It's like I have nothing to live for and everything to lose and nothing to gain.

I miss everything about living alone in Glasgow and then the next second i'm so glad i'm back home.

I miss everyone and nobody at the same time. I want to move forward but i dont want to simultaneously.

in circa 8 months i qualify and enter the working world. I've been in this career for 3 years and suddenly i'm doubting that this is what i want. I dont know what i want any more. i LOVE, LOVE social work... yet i am so doubtful about everything!

I'm usually so certain in my life choices... why is this happening to me? What is going on? is this a phase? Is this what being a final student means?

I need to see the bigger picture.

I need to see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

Whatever it is that is missing... i just hope i find it soon...

much love,

Monday, September 28, 2009

summer is over

........ and what a summer it has been!!

I knw, i know i havent written ANYTHING about Glasgow.... I loved it so much and it was the best experience of my life (so far... hoping i will have some more good experiences lol)

What can i say? everything worked out, i did brilliantly at my placement (loved it all so much, the colelagues, the kids - they were disabled but the sweetest ever) I just loved Glasgow's atmosphere, i loved the people (ever so friendly) i just LOVED it! I had some downs though... i had some arguments with my room mate (not very bad ones, just regular conflicts) and my landlady was a total nightmare, however overall it was great! Much to my surprise i didnt have any problems what so ever with the accent, in fact i picked it up myself! it went away though as fast as it came!

I came home just a week ago, and i am so confused about being back home, i loved seeing my family, my pets and my house but i am back to the Maltese mentality, doing things to get something in return, and the ignorance of the popolace. I feel so weird here, like something is wrong - i am much more critical of Malta now, and i feel so out of place, like i just don't belong. My mother was telling me i have changed, and i have.. living on your own in another country does something to you, it changes you and really opens your eyes. It changes you for the better... for sure.

OVerall i am glad i'm back with the family and my friends... however i wish i was still in sauchiehall street and in buchanan galleries! haha.

much love to all

Friday, June 26, 2009


With me going away soon (sniff!) I have come appreciate my home country much more!
Here are some photos of Malta an y i love it! no, unfortunately I cannot take credit for taking these photos... my friend took them.

This an overview of the port (south of Malta).

I love the old winding streets. Mind you, not all streets are like these! but are only found in the really old towns.

I pass by these houses everyday, however when i c them in a photo they look really lovely!

Such a beautiful sun set!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


ahhh! it's finally summer! the season we await with the such anticipation has finally arrived.

with it brings (and i will probably be mentioning this even more often) the whole Glasgow experience .... in 2 weeks!!!!!

How am i feeling about it?

Oh gosh, i feel like a pregnant woman (yea i knw... how would i know, i've never been pregnant lol)- my emotions seem to be everywhere and i can't understand them.

I have adjusted to Glasgow by going through complete different phases. When i first heard about it, another 4 students were interested so i was really keen on getting in, and when i was finally chosen - i was over the moon happy and excited like you wouldn't believe.

Then when the preparations started i was starting to lose heart and think i will never end up going after all because i couldnt find accommodation, and it was coming soooo expensive.

then once i figured EVERYTHING out, i was feeling totally excited, and really looking forward.

Which brings me to the current phase...

one of complete and utter fear and regret, i can't believe i'm saying this but i don't even want to go now. It hit me how much i'm going to miss my parents, my home life, my friends, my surroundings. Saying that i am completely sad and depressed is an understatment. I am definitely not backing out now, coz i'm sure i'm feeling normal emotions, but i just want everything i guess. I want to go to Glasgow but i dont want to leave my life behind for 3 months. I'm not too sure about my friend, the one who is coming with me, we are very good friends but you know what they say- u see a person's true colours when you live with them! So for this - i am very nervous. Not to mention we are 2 completely and utterly different persons!

Then there is the job... I hope i'll be good. I'm nervous i won't be able to cope and that i would just simply be a BAD social worker.

Then there is the Thesis worry... I'm quite ahead actually but still so scared i won't finish on time or do a good job.

I hope these fears are unfounded. I'm so thankful of the support i have at home and with my friends. I seriously do not know what i would do without them.

And of course to this blog who i actually write my trials and triumphs to... and i'm sure will continue to do so.

much love y'all

PS if u read through this rant you seriously deserve a gold medal! :)