Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sadness and surprise

I am supposed to be reading this article for one of my classes but i just can't. Thoughts keep infiltrating my mind and i just can't concenrtate on what i am reading.

This weekend was so ordinary, too ordinary and too quiet. One of my friends (M) from Canada had introduced me to one of her friends (B) (over MSN) years ago, and we had been chatting on and off. This morning M chats to me to let me know that B (along with 2 other young girls) died in a car accident on the highway.

This totally freaked me out because i had just chatted to her 3 days earlier and she had told me all her plans for her weekend. and she's dead. I have her on my msn contacts and her nick says "3 months till summer hols". and she's dead. She is one of my facebook friends and her status update still reads - finally the weekend. and she's dead.
My god, she was SO young, this wasnt supposed to happen. She said bye to her parents for the LAST time. She had fun for with her friends for the LAST time on saturday.
And now she is gone.
And she is dead.
What an awful tragedy.

How the heck can i think about the future when everything can change in the blink of an eye?

None of this makes any sense.
And i am too shocked and freaked out to make any sense of it.

till next time y'all

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good bye March!

March has been a relatively good month. Quiet, warmer weather, busy certainly describes March for me!
Now that March is over, it means that july is one month closer (duh! i knw lol) and Glasgow awaits me! i CANT wait!

At the same time I cant believe That March is over, it has passed SOOOO quickly! i can't believe 3rd yr is almost over, it seems like yesterday that the year just started, time is passing and i can't seem to catch up with it.

April is going to be VRY busy, I have to finish a lot of assignments which i have let pile up, with the excuse of doing them over Easter holidays, i have to study for my end of semester tests. As u can tell, a lot procrastination is going on here.

But after Arpil comes my 21st B'day in May! I can't wait, unlike most of my friends who DREAD their bdays, i quite like to grow a year older because i often look back and say wow, im already ____ years old! and look what i have accomplished. Besides that i love pressies and celebrating with my closest and bestest (i knw thats not even a word!) friends!

Moreover, i cant help wonder y there seems to be SO many nursing students who blog, and i cant seem to come across any social work students! I guess nursing students have funnier, better tales to tell than us social workers lol! I am glad that i have some other people reading my blog though and leaving me comments!

That's all from my front,
keep well and i hope allergies dont attack u!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Today i have a lot on my mind and i am trying to put all my thoughts in order. So if this seems disjointed, i'm sorry.

For me is a strange concept. One minute u r over the moon happy, the next u can be totally down. U can have one day full have discontentment and frustration and the next u can be very excited and full of emotions.

This past week has been a good week, and im looking forward to a packed weekend. But even though i had a good week and generally was happy, there were things going on outside my own little world which made me wonder and shocked me into realising how one day things can be great and they can turn awful in a second.

This week in Malta a fostered 16 yr old Russian kid was found dead, he drowned, police say that they don't think it is suicide but the autopsy shows otherwise. What could have made this kid think that the last viable solution was death? why didnt anybody talk to him? what went on inside his head when he was jumping into the cold, cold february sea?

Yesterday in Germany another tragedy happened, another young person shot out at several students and the police ended up shooting him. Again y did this young person do dat? what did he feel? what was the intention?

So when i was feeling so happy and glad about all my great 1st semester grades, there was a kid who drowned himself, another one who shot out at others and ended up shot himself, a kid was diagnosed with childhood cancer and an adult died before his time. In the midst of this, somewhere a baby was born into this mixed up world

One never knows when his/her last day on Earth may be. You could have a terminal illness or else you may just drop and die. The thought that i could be saying good bye to my mum, dad, sister, brother, friends etc for the last time freaks me out. I know there is an after life, but where would my family and friends be?
The thought that one day i could actually die, actually stop breathing makes my heart quicken and makes me think of all the things i haven't yet done, all the things i haven't yet said.

in hospitals they say you know, you know when u r going to die. some doctors say that it is a look patients get in their eyes, some say there is a scent, a smell of death. Some think there's just some kind of sixth sense that when the great beyond is heading for you, you feel it coming. Whatever it is, it's creepy because if you do know, what do you do about it? forget about the fact that you're probably scared out of your mind.

If you knew this was your last day on Earth, how would you want to spend it?

Well these are my thoughts today.
much love

Monday, March 2, 2009

i'm backkkk :)

I am back from my holiday in italy! and it was SOOOO great! i had NEVER, seen snow and now i've seen it, touched it and froze by it lol. I like snow but i LOVE sunny Malta. All in all it was a great trip with no bumps or anything.

I am back at uni now. Finally our first semester results are coming through, so far so good but im still holding my breath for the other 2 which are left. hopefully everything will work out just great.

I met the scottish lady who will be supervising me in Glasgow whilst on placement there... she seems really nice! and gave me such great info on the agency im working with and general advice and tips.
Now i am more excited than ever! i just can't wait to goooo. i wish tomorrow was July and i'll be leaving. I'm going to miss all my best friends sooo much and my family too but im positive it will be worthwhile in Glasgow.

March is one of my favourite months. My favourite season is in march (spring!) and i celebrate 3 important birthdays in MArch.. My sister's (she will be 25), My brother in law's (he will be 35) and my best friend's (she will be 21). So as you can see it is going to be a pretty busy month! but definitely worth the business!
That's all from my front
have a great MARCH!
much love

PS... do u like my new background? it is SO me, very girly and flower-y lol.!