Friday, January 16, 2009

Exam stress

You know it's exam time when:

People who never update their blogs, are in fact updating their blogs

People start using facebook in a scary stalker-like way

On a Friday night, everyone is on MSN

Disney films and old cartoons start to be watched obsessively

New TV series are found

Inordinate amounts of chocolate are consumed

Wikipedia is visited 9126740783654 times a day to look up totally random info

Find a lot more teenagers at Mass on Sundays

You suddenly see people praying at odd times of the day

When you catch the bus to uni, every student on it is studying

The uni library suddenly becomes VERY full

And the number one reason how someone knows there are exams:

I have updated my blog twice in one week (shock! horror!) instead of once a month.


Have a great weekend! and keep warm, although i have nothing to complain about!
lots of love

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