Sunday, October 19, 2008


already almost one month of uni has passed! EEKKK!!! i can hardly believe it!! in 10 days i'm going to sicily! i cant wait coz i really need a break from all this stress that i have been feeling!! goodness!
this week will b quite quiet i think, im getting over a bad attack of what has been dubbed the 'UoM (university of Malta) cold' and so i had to stay in all weekend :( boohoooo :(. oh well next weekend should be fun - chinese on friday and a birthday celebration on sunday and then on the next friday we go abroad! yey! well its not really abroad - i mean we go to sicily via a boat and it's only 3 hrs a way so its like we'll still b at home- I DONT CARE! im still excited haha.
yesterday one my parents' friends from canada phoned... my mum was SO excited - over the moon excietd. she made me want to immigrate to Canada here and now. i find it stange though when my parents talk of canada... its like a completely different life to the one they lead now. it kind of freaks me out a little how all their canadian friends know my name, and all about me when i have no clue at all who they r. but WOW this lady who phoned was like my mum's closest friend there, and my mum has been looking her up for ages... how bizzare is that?
anyways have a great week to whoever reads this (although im pretty sure noone does! lol)
much love

Thursday, October 9, 2008


wow its been a while since i've written an entry properly!
well i've started back at uni - only twice a week so far though but it seems as if im going in every day for some reason or other lol.
I got accepted for glasgow which i am pleased about :) but im scared too. but i think its a good kind of scared u knw? i knw im going on an experience of a life time and experiences ARE scary! no matter at wat age you experience them! i'm waiting for all the formalities to be processed and then i'll be on my way.
On the thesis front i have to get down to reading volumes and volumes of material and infomation but i'll get there i hope.
Third yr so far has been uneventful, but i know i have to stay on top of my work so i know as the weeks go by i'm going to have to really knuckle down and concentrate on my studies and thesis work... im still taking it quite easy!
take care now and until next time!
much love!