Saturday, February 14, 2009

roller coaster

lately i have felt as if i am on a roller coaster ride, up and then down.
My week in a summary and the roller coaster ride:

Thesis proposal finished ..... UPPPPPP

Find out i have an extremely long form to fill out .... DOWNNNN

My tutor was super nice to me ....... UPPP

Ther participants for my research study did not remember to submit their consent letters ....................... MAJOR DOWN

Finally tutor gives thumbs up on the the thesis proposal and the literature review .................................. UPPPPPP

Finally i try to print the whole thing out for tutor to sign, and the printer refuses to work ........... DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

Finally receive all my letters, i print everything, everything is signed and ready to be posted on Monday .............................. HUGE UP!

I guess all's well that ends well!

On a different note my tutor, who is really, really kind and helpful to me made me say something personal which i didnt want to say, but it did come up. And now i dont knw how to face this. She knows something about me that only my very close friends and family know. Quite honestly i don't know how I feel about this or how to deal with it. I just hope she won't think of me any different than she already does.

I'm looking forward to next weekend because i won't be here in Malta, I will be in Italy! oh yea!!! lol.
till next time!
much love,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a holiday??

Yesterday, Monday, was a BAD day. You know the kind when u just wish you stayed in bed? well i'll tell you a bit about my day yesterday...

Well since my parents and my brother are all teachers, they get up at 6am to get to work on time, I, on the other hand, get up much later seeing as i just went to sleep at 3 or 4am. My family are NOISY and when i say noisy, i dont just mean chitter chatter noisiness, but i mean NOISY. Anyway i get up to close my door. 2 seconds after i get back to bed my cat starts crying to be let in, so i get up again. back to bed. The cat starts knocking down my JEWELLERY boxes because he is hungry, ok i feed him and after i get back to bed. The cat INSISTS on sleeping on my pillow right next my face... my cat, incidentally weighs almost 10kilos, he is a BIG cat and takes up a lot of room. Somehow i sleep. at 7.15 my brother bangs, not knocks, bangs, on my door to tell me good bye... go figure! And i fall asleep again.

At 9 o clock i have to get up after 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep, to wash my hair which takes a good 45 minutes. After my shower,i get dressed and decide to prepare some lunch (seeing as now it's 11) after i have it ready i realise that one of the ingredients was expired.. forget lunch. I get ready to leave for a meeting with my horrendously busy tutor, thinking that an hour is plenty of time to get to a destination 15 mins away. right?

... WRONG! i left at 12.15 to catch the 12.30 bus for my 1.15 appointment. Well, 12.30 comes along, 12.40, 12.45 and NO bus! needless to say i start panicking as this meeting was so hard to schedule and i DONT want to miss it! to top it all off, the tutor didnt want to give me her mobile number so i have no way of contacting her aaaa. Therefore when 1.00 comes by i decide to give my best friend (who drives) a ring to ask her if she can give me a lift, thankfully she accepts in a heart beat (she's just so great, isnt she? :) ) and comes for me and i make it 10 mins late.

At the meeting i discover that i still have SO MUCH TO DO! i thought i was finished with my thesis proposal and literature review, i was so, so WRONG!

Today is a public holiday for all us maltesers because it's St. Paul, the patron saint of Malta. Usually on this public holiday we go out as a family and genuinely have some relaxing fun... i bet you can guess how i spent this holiday! yes! i spent it working on my thesis. and i am STILL not done and it's already 8.30 pm :( another long night a suppose :(.

So much for a holiday...

Anyway bye for now.
Much love y'all

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Mummy

yes i know! 2 posts in one day!
But i want u to get to know a very special lady in my life! My Mummy :)
here is a pic!

This was taken on our recent holiday in london (Im on the left and my mum is on the right) . My mum is already 57 years old, and she is so very special to me. We used to clash completely, but now that the teenage years are over i have found a friend in her and i feel as if i have truly gotten to know her as a person. I feel very blessed (even when we do have our infamous disagreements) that i have her as a mum. I am her youngest child and she used to worry that she wouldn't be 'young' enough to be a mum, but i can confirm that i never ever felt disadvantaged. My mum is a great religion teacher to 13-16 year olds she holds 2 university degrees, one in philosophy and another in religion and her teacher's diploma. She is a very funny lady, and can even get a conversation out of a wall. She is patient, kind and would do just about anything for her children's welfare and happiness. She is quite self less in that respect. She has worked hard all her life and is very proud of what she has accomplished (and she has the right to be too!) My mum has taught me to chase your dreams and really get to know what you want to do in life and understand your abilities and talents. She taught me how to live a life without debt and also how to cook several Maltese dishes! I love to spend time with her and I love her so much, i honestly don't know what I wouLd do without this fantastic lady!

During next week ill post all of my family. They are so special in their own way!
much love

25 things about me

I received this on facebook and decided to paste it here too

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. i am 20 years old and i think it's the best age to be - old enough to be considered an adult, yet young enough to still wear pig tails.

2. i was born in canada and would do anything to go back again to see it and to meet my parents' old friends.

3. I am a social work student and love,love, love the profession and can't wait to work full time in about 2 yrs times!

4. i have a huge bedroom but my most favourite thing in it is my shelf which is full of presents my best friend gave me!

5. Something i can never, ever get tired of eating are chocolate chip cookies. I LOVE THEM SOOOOO MUCH!

6. I cannot function unless i shower first thing in the morning. I can take up to 3 showers a day coz i love the nice clean feeling.

7. I cannot live without my laptop and my mobile.

8. when i was 3 i got an awful burn on my knee coz my car seat seat-belt buckle was so hot, it burned a whole right through my skin. it took almost 6 months to heal completely and i still have a scar today.

9. When i was 4 i developed a bad lisp due to all the language confusion in my little brain, english, Maltese and French too. This is about the time when i moved back to Malta. By the the time i was 6 i was cured though.

10. i can raise my right eyebrow on its own, but for some reason i cant do the same with my left. this makes it hard when it comes to plucking my eyebrows because they almost always coem uneven.

11. My mum is a complete red head with bright green eyes, however this did not translate wat so ever to me as i am the typical mediterranean - dark hair and dark eyes.

12. i have a huge passion in helping the poor, as soon as i graduate i want to go to Kenya to do some volunteering.

13. I love to travel, but i only go around European states.

14. I live on an island so i love the beach and the sand and i learned how to swim when i was 6.

15. I am used to very warm weather, so i hate it when it is too cold. Then again i hate August temperatures!

16. I am a very fast typist.

17. I love anything technological.

18. I have never touched a playstation in my life.

19. I can be horribly bossy, but not intentionally, it's just coz i dont want to see a person doing somethign wrong when i know i can help put it right.

20. I really enjoy watching good movies with great company.. including my mummy!

21. I have incredibly long hair, yet i dont know how to style it properly and always end up plaiting it or straightening it with my hot iron clamp.

22. I love chicken and lamb... mmmm and rosemary potatoes

23. I am a great cook!

24. I help people a lot and try to treat others as i would liek them to treat me.

25. I am a good leader and i stand up for what i believe it, including standing up for other people.

That's me!
much love